The only character that can pick up and handle explosives.
HAND ICON: Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabbing"
animation when you can pick something up.
STONE: Very useful thingy that can help you distract or call the attention of the enemy at your wish.
CIGARETTES: War is a dangerous place to be in, so no wonder lots of people smoke. Lure the enemy with this Siren cry.
9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL: Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.
TRAP: This trap will kill any guard that steps in it, good to use in
combination with the Decoy, but I usually use the knife of the Green Beret
instead. If you use it, be aware that the trap only works ONCE and must be
rearmed after. Guards won't see it also. (They'll see the corpse on it however!)
TRIGGER EXPLOSIVE: This bomb can be put down early because it can be triggered anytime. Use them before the escape
phase. You also have those for objectives only.
GRENADES: Used to get rid of patrol groups, usually sounds the alarm immediatly,
use them with care as you can blow yourself up if you throw them too
near, You can throw them over walls too!
WIRE-CUTTERS: This is simply to cut wires, no extras with it and you need it
only for a few missions.
A final note: Usually the character that prepares the objectives elimination
part, mostly tags along for the mission however. Can be useful because he has
Grenades sometimes!!
Written by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom}
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 01:25:15. Today is:
March 04 2025.