Destination Paris 1.41 has a lot of new difficult situations in store for you, but you have been also given the
counteroffensive measurements which include more abilities for your Commandos in the first place.
If you want to survive, you better start making good use of smoke bombs, bear traps and gas bombs (which you will find mainly on SS's since they always carry something with them). Gas bombs last for 60 seconds and the enemy simply cannot be awaken by nobody.
If you beat up an enemy he will fall in coma for 1 minute, while the effect of one KO is 20 seconds.
Through the main missions you will find new weapons that have unlimited ammo,
my advice is to get your hands on them in case you find yourself in situations in which, if your ass isn't covered, you might find yourself watching from above...
As you might have noticed the covering ability of your Commandos and allies has been extended, this might be helpful but also tricky since you might target the wrong enemy.
Learn to use it well.
If you have been spotted still do not move, you will have 60 seconds to take out the enemy silently with the help of an ally.
Taking out patrols silently is possible, show them that drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes kills...
C2: DP trick for patrols
C2: DP trick for patrols
Green Beret
He is the most resistant of your Commandos and the 2nd fastest runner (after Lupin),
he is capable of using the smoke bombs, bear traps and gas grenades not to mention that some closed doors can be opened by him by simply running into them.
If you are in a nasty situation in a closed building, you can try escaping through the window! Also remember that he cannot tie up his enemies!
His new added abilities include throwing molotov bombs, gas grenades, smoke bombs and using bear traps.
Usually he starts with a pair of binoculars, use them to see if the enemy has a weapon and if it leaves it's position or no.
They are also VERY useful to watch inside buildings without being spotted!
When you use the Sniper Rifle from standing position, the Sniper needs to kneel down so make sure there is nothing in the way that could block your view.
Take advantage of sniping from and into windows.
His new ability is to set bear traps and throw gas grenades, apart from that, learn to make good use of his knife throwing ability,
always scan the water depths and learn to use the harpoon.
Might as well use the hook to climb high places and set traps for the enemy. He cannot tie up his enemies!
His ability to blow up things makes him the noisiest man on the team,
be careful when using the flamethrower or you might make a flambe' steak out of your allies!
The Sapper can place a remote bomb, then another Commando can pick it up and go to another location on the map.
The other Commando can drop the bomb from their inventory, but its still armed, so the Sapper can then
detonate it, even though he didn't place it.
Be very careful with the mine detector, take one small step at a time.
The Driver can use the wire trap and with the help of the Sapper he can booby trap it (with a grenade).
His first venom dosis lasts for 30 seconds which are quite enough to do whatever comes in your mind
under the blind eye of the poisoned enemy. He can also throw gas grenades and tie enemies but his old age
(he says so, but I think it's because he doesn't like physical work) prevents him from moving tied or dead enemies
She is a complete double agent: she can speak german and japanese therefore she will be helpful on both fronts.
She is also a Sniper (but she can shoot only when she is not wearing the uniform, but She can fire the sniper rifle with her uniform on if you hold down the CTRL button.
Same goes for every other weapon, just selected it first). She is a woman so do not expect her to carry around bodies.
But she has the instruments to make them go down (she needs a bottle for this though), she can also throw gas grenades.
The fastest runner and best climber on your team. His new abilities include throwing smoke bombs, gas grenades, putting bear traps.
Make good use of his stalking ability to get around enemies unnoticed (simply press D and click on an enemy and he will start following him and never get spotted by that enemy).
He is very agile and can tie enemies up.
Good Etiquette
Remember that you are behind enemy lines and every movement could be your last one.
Take your decisions by planning your attacks carefully, sometimes it is a matter of timing, most times it is simply the ability to create a convenient situation.
Don't forget about looking at the windows, look out for snipers and SS soldiers. Try to make good use of silent weapons and items, especially the smoke bombs,
which last 30 seconds, which means 30 seconds of powerful momentum to take advantage of.
US ARMY: These soldiers are going to fight along your side,
you will find yourself helping them out only to have them support you in the most difficult situations.
Treat them well, especially since they are well trained and skilled soldiers,
each one of them is specialized in a particular weapon which they know how to use, to defeat the enemy!
BRITISH NAVY: These valuable men have been captured by the German,
you will have to free them and with their help destroy the German battleships in the arctic!
ALLIED PILOT: On your way to defeating the enemy in the pacific,
you will encounter this precious ally that has been captured by the Japanese forces.
Upon rescuing him, you will find that he is an expert pilot that will help you get away from the japanese war machine's nest.
WILSON: Her majesty the Queen has sent this soldier
to help the Commandos in their task of ending the war behind enemy lines, he will be a valid helping hand by distracting the enemy with his trumpet.
He can also pickup any item that he finds on the floor.
PRISONERS: These men have been captured by the enemy forces, your task will be to free them.
GHURKAS: These soldiers have been hiding in the sewers and are your precious force
with whose help you shall have to resist the invasion of the city and kill the Tyrant.
CONTACTS: Throughout your missions you will deal with secret informers that will give you life-saving information
or valuable equipment or even their lives to help the mission succeed!
CIVILIANS: These are the only people that do not deserve the war that is going around them but,
they are in it as well but try to live on anyway, make sure they don't get hurt.
CARS: You will encounter lots of vehicles in your missions, these are the standard 4 wheel types that you may find.
ARMORED VEHICLES: These beasts are ferocious warmachines that you should either know how to maneuvre or know how to evade if you don't want to become dust in no time.
BOATS: Boats will help you cross dangerous waters but they expose you to enemy fire making you quite vulnerable so be careful.
BALLOON: This extraordinary vehicle will allow you to move around the enemy territory right under (oops, over) their noses.
THE AXIS' MILITARY TECHNOLOGY: Your enemy is well trained and equipped, do not underestimate their military power.
You will come face to face with the enemies' most advanced and fearsome industrial outcomes, be prepared.
Last Modified:
June 12 2011 10:47:20. Today is:
March 25 2025.