What is Multiplayer
Multiplayer is where you can play Commandos 3 against other players over the
internet using Gamespy or ICP/IP (LAN). Multiplayer has no computer players in, so you will get a
more challenging and exciting game.
Commandos 3.
Local Area Network linked with 2 or more computers for network play.
ADSL or Cable modem for online.(56K is not on the game boxes minimum
requirements, it should work but may have lots of lag)
Game Types
Commandos vs Commandos vs Nazis
Commandos + Allies vs Commandos + Allies
Allies + Allies
Game Modes Deathmatch - You just have to kill the other team, and the last team
alive wins. Collect the Flag - You have to collect flags from around the map, and
the team with the most flags at the end wins.
Number of Players
Depending on the number of teams, 2-12 players can play.
Number of Teams
There can be between two and four teams.
If there is more than one player per team, the game will automatically be
divided into two teams.
If there are more than two teams, there can only be one player per team.
Victory Conditions Time - The person creating the game can choose the maximum length of
the game. Once the time limit is reached, the one with the most points wins.
The game will also end when only one of the teams is left alive. Points - The person creating the game can select the number of points
that must be reached to end the game. The game will also end when only one
of the teams is left alive. Flags - The person creating the game can also select to end the game
using flags. The person with the most flags wins the game.
Note: To chat during the game press CTRL+Enter.
Last Modified:
August 11 2010 11:16:42. Today is:
February 09 2025.