Known Bugs
Since the mod is based on the fixed version of Commandos 2 (current Official version is 1.2), you do not need to install the patch before installing the mod and, all the bugs in 1.0 are fixed with the mod installed.
Here is a list of known bugs:
- Could sometimes happen in night missions, that the flashlight of a soldier goes through walls; don't worry, it's only an aesthetical bug and it won't any how influence the game or a patrol could have its view bugged up when it enters buildings, but don't worry, you will only see a new, harmless colour, nothing to worry about ;
- Some clues will not tick off, but don't worry, it will not influence your gameplay or merit at the end of the missions. I wouldn't say that it's really a bug, besides, some of them didn't tick off even before (done by Pyro themselves), so, in one word (actually two and a half), don't worry ;
- Since Pyro's Jewel (game engine) seems to have defective graphics (poor programming? We hope not), it might sometimes seem that lights pass through solids. Although it's somehow much un-aesthetical, it does not compromise gaming experience. Actually, if the light passes on your soldiers, you get illuminated as from a direct source of light so be extremely careful, avoid the light if possible.
- Game crashes can sometimes occur, but they are due to the bad optimization of the code and have nothing to do with bad modding (at least not anymore). The game (and the mod) have not been programmed to crash randomly, it just... happens, so pro's could consider beating the game without saving, crashes might still occur, although quite rarely.
- If your view gets sort of "bugged up" in the night missions when standing in cover mode (happens if you enter a building), don't target enemies, or you might get killed from the cover not working.
- Unfortunately, till now there has been no way to understand how to correctly implement the countdown code, so if you will want to complete the secondary objective where you have to kill a certain number of enemies, you will have to keep track of how many you neutralized on your own.
- Since the patrols were originally planned without including dogs, if you encounter a patrol with dogs and you tie them up and carry them around, the animation will look screwed up. But it's only aesthetical, so don't worry. Take a look at the C2:DP fighting dog patrols video here.
- The new version of Commandos Destination Paris includes tons of new missions and since the game wasn't programmed to hold so many, if you visit the medals page, chances are the game will crash afterwards. This cannot be fixed so please keep in mind.
Last Modified:
March 09 2011 11:31:36. Today is:
February 09 2025.