-Some incompatibility issues with some CD-ROM and DVD drives;
-Some crash bugs and graphical related problems with come cards;
Install the 1.2 patch and it will solve these problems. You can get it here.
How to use the Harpoon On Land
For some strange reason, unlike in the previous games, the Harpoon was intended to be used only in water.
But the idea wasn't completely carried out since there is a way to use it on land too, here is how:
Select the diver, put on the scuba gear (optional) and dive into the water. Select the harpoon gun and resurface.
Now each time you press the Ctrl key a target will appear with the scope of the harpoon gun.
Go near a target and press shift + LMB. Fins will use the harpoon gun and kill the enemy.
The harpoon gun has longer range in C2 than in BEL and BTCOD. REMEMBER that if you use something else as a weapon, or an item (press A for instance to use the knife) the ability to use the harpoon gun will disappear.
Last Modified:
August 07 2010 22:27:01. Today is:
March 04 2025.