This is the most common
type of soldier your Commandos will come up against, and in groups
they can be quite a danger to your men. They are armed with either a
Rifle, Assault Rifle or a Submachine gun. They usually investigate
most things, so they are very easy to ambush and kill.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Any weapon - Depending on the
situation, any weapon is fine for killing them.
These are normal
soldiers, but their Rifle has a telescopic sight on, so they can kill
your men from great a distance. The Snipers usually hide in a nice
safe place where its hard to see them, so before entering open ground,
have a look around to make sure there's not one of these waiting to
put a bullet in you.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Sniper Rifle - Its hard to get
close to them, so its safer to kill them from a distance, just like
what they would do to you.
Tip: The Sniper can use the German Snipers Rifle and ammo.
Lieutenants command and
keep control of the troops in battle mostly, apart from that they are
just higher ranked soldiers. When they are keeping watch over their
troops, they tend to get a nicotine craving and start smoking, so they
are a good source of Cigarettes. Killing them shouldn't be a problem
because they are only armed with a Pistol.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Any weapon - Depending on the
situation, any weapon is fine for killing them.
Tip: The Spy can order soldiers to look in a certain direction
while wearing this uniform.
The Officers are the
commanders of the troops, so killing these is pretty important. The
Officers keep away from any action unless physically attacked, they
usually send troops to take care of the problem while they take cover
and hide. This means if you can take out the Officers, you should have
an easier battle with the troops, but killing Officers without
alerting others is hard because of the amount of protection they have.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Any weapon - Depending on the
situation, any weapon is fine for killing them.
Tip: The Spy can order soldiers to look in a certain direction,
or move to a certain place while wearing this uniform.
They can see through the Spies disguise in their short vision, so when
going by them make sure your in their long vision.
These are normal
soldiers but their unarmed, so they are not a problem because they can
only punch you. These people are not totally harmless, because if they
see you they will go and attack you, and while your taking care of
them, other guards (with guns) could see you, then come over and end
the fight by putting a bullet in you.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Any weapon - Depending on the
situation, any weapon is fine for killing them.
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 17:39:18. Today is:
March 25 2025.