Patrols are groups of any
kind of enemy, that patrol a set area or route. The patrols follow a
route which makes it easy to ambush them once you know their route,
but ambushing them is not a safe task. The patrols can be anything
from 3 to 7 enemies, which means they have a lot of firepower between
them, so they will have no problem with wiping your men out if given a
Recommended weapon to kill with: Molotov Cocktail, Grenade,
Submachine gun - Throw a Grenade or Molotov Cocktail into the middle
of the patrol, or using cover mode, wipe them out with a Submachine
gun as they get in range.
Tip: If its not possible to make a noise with guns and
explosives (e.g. setting off the alarm will fail the mission), throw a
Gas Grenade into the middle of the patrol, and then quickly gag the
whole patrol.
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 17:39:18. Today is:
March 14 2025.