The only character that can pilot any water-vehicle or boat that goes in water.
HAND ICON: Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabbing"
animation when you can pick something up (Boat mainly).
STONE: Very useful thingy that can help you distract or call the attention of the enemy at your wish.
CIGARETTES: War is a dangerous place to be in, so no wonder lots of people smoke. Lure the enemy with this Siren cry.
KNIFE: Let the Marine kill silently and instantly, even if the guard sees you,
you might kill him before he shoots.Less useful with the Marine because he can't move corpses.
9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL: Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.
INFLATABLE BOAT: Transportable type, you can't use it to get accross rivers and
pick it up the other side. Even if you took the boat from the enemies, when you
use it, enemies will consider the boat as an enemy's so they'll destroy it,
don't let that happen!! Always pick it up to be safe. I fyou let it deflate, you
can pick it up again and re-enflate it.
UNDERWATER EQUIPMENT: When you get in shallow waters, you can use the
equipment to swim underwater, enemies won't see you as long as you stay
underwater. However, they must NOT see you submerge in the first place otherwise
they'll shoot you because they know you're underwater! Using the Scuba Gear you can get
to places where other Commandos could have trouble (except for the spy that is...)
HARPOON: Same as the Knife, but fires at a short distance. Deadly for hardly reachable targets in the open.
A final note: He still commands your water transportation and he can be used
to kill isolated guards on islands. Can be very useful in certain situations.
Written by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom}
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 01:22:58. Today is:
March 04 2025.