Unlike many Officers, Subofficers are all experienced military men.
They share trenches and bunkeres with their men earning their confidence and respect.
During combat they are in charge and soldiers will look to them for leadership.
The Subofficer with Gun is the least lethal of them
but he is just as suspicious as the rest of the subofficers, and can alarm nearby soldiers. He may also supervise and keep record of soldiers' work.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Stealth weapon.
If spotted, any weapon will do. In alternative, you can hide till they have given up the search.
The Subofficer with Rifle is more powerful than the soldier.
When he is armed with a rifle, you will find nearby high security areas.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Stealth weapon.
If spotted, any weapon will do. In alternative, you can hide till they have given up the search.
The Subofficer with Machinegun is the dealiest of them all and the hardest to come by if you are spotted.
Not so deadly on long range as a Subofficer equipped with the rifle. If the Spy is wearing a uniform with higher rank, his suspicion will mostly calm down.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Stealth weapon.
If spotted, any weapon will do. In alternative, you can hide till they have given up the search.
A Subofficer scouting for enemies. Also seen scouting for direct german attacks and mortar squads.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Sniper rifle.
Armed with a gun, this Subofficer is taking care of the transports division.
Wherever you'll find him, you' also find that there might be a lot of lorries as well.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Stealth weapon.
If spotted, any weapon will do. In alternative, you can hide till they have given up the search.
Written by Oblibs a.k.a. Inge Larsen
Last Modified:
August 13 2010 18:52:46. Today is:
March 26 2025.