A sniper will easily kill you from a long distant range, unless you hide, unreveal his postion and take him out.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Sniper Rifle.
SS-Soldiers are used to guard positions that have high security.
They are more on the alert and are more deadly than any of the other soldiers. These soldiers are armed with a rifle or with a machinegun.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Piano Wire, Silenced Pistol, Stealth Knife kill, Sniper Rifle.
If alarmed, any weapon will do, just hide and fight your position.
Feared by friends and enemies in equal measure, the Gestapo use terror to maintain order and discipline wherever they go.
Their regular and irreguler torture, judgment and execution methods make this body of men an instrument of pure evil.
Not even the Spy can pass a Gestapo Officer unnoticed. The Gestapo Officer is armed with a gun or a machinegun.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Best not get spotted when taking these Officers out.
The Gestapo Agent appears in a split scene to get hold of a relic.
They are often working on a cause to obtain certain treasures, and use any means to get hold of them.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Can not be killed.
Commissar Salenkov has exhaustively prepared his defection to the enemy.
He is in posession of secret keys, maps and data, fundamental to defending Stalingrad.
If this information finds its way into enemy hands, the city will fall in a matter of weeks.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Best way is to get Spy to get hold of a Gestapo uniform.
You will have to use cunning to take him out.
This German Informant is about to meet with a German Officer. You have to eleminate them both.
Recommended weapon to kill with: Sniper rifle.
Written by Oblibs a.k.a. Inge Larsen
Last Modified:
August 13 2010 19:40:18. Today is:
March 14 2025.