DISGUISED: When he has the Officer Uniform, he can move around the map
like an enemy soldier, as long as he doesn't make any suspicious moves, he won't
be seen.
MOVING CORPSES: The only other character than the Green Beret that can move
corpses, truly useful because of his injection skill.
HAND ICON: Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabbing"
animation when you can pick something up.
9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL: Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.
LETHAL INJECTION: Works like the Knife, but a little slower and it doesn't
leave any blood stains, a clean kill. Be sure to hide the corpse somewhere!
Also, don't move using this cursor because you'll blow your cover that way!
ENEMY UNIFORM: When your cover is blown, the uniform is automaticly removed,
if you're safe again (Out of enemies Sight Range) you can put it on again.
DISTRACT: Using the rank of the uniform he is wearing, the Spy will distract
guards to look away from their normal points, distraction can be maintained
indefinetly. You can even distract patrol groups by using this on the sergeant.
Easily one of the best skills in the game!
FIRST AID KIT: When the Driver is not a part of the mission, the First Aid Kit
will be on the Spy. Contains a varying number of doses.
A final note: The Spy along with the Green Beret makes up the 2 most useful
characters in the game! The Spy distracts while the Green Beret cleans the way!
The Spy is the best character because he can tread around the map unharmed
while in disguise.
Written by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom}
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 13:40:17. Today is:
March 04 2025.