First of all, one of the players needs to host a game, to do so, he must run the MPSERVER.exe found in the main Commandos
BEL or BTCOD folder:
can be found in the "NEW GAME" menu inCommandos. This option allows you to connect
to a network game or Internet server that is awaiting the arrival of new
players. In order to be able to play a multiplayer game, there must be a
computer in the network that is acting as theServer. To act as server, a computer must be running theMultiplayer Server application that
is provided in theCommandosStart Menu folder.This
program is accessible from the Start menu next to the game, and is called
"Multiplayer server".
executable, when ran, will create a dedicated commandos game on that
system. A user can play on this system, but unless the system is a PII
300/ 64MB Ram system, play will be slow. You will be given an IP
address. This in turn is given to clients to enter when prompted in the
will connect to the server. There is a PING
(latency) limitation of 300ms. If a client attempts to connect with a
higher ping, they will be rejected. Lowering this limit will speed the
game. Increasing it will probably slow the game, but allow more users.
If you play Commandos with high latency, you will see the flashing NETWORK
easiest way to change the ping limit is to RIGHT CLICK on the
mpserver.exe file, and create a shortcut. Then right click on this shortcut and choose
PROPERTIES. Then add the -ping XXX command. (XXX is the
desired limit)
e.g.mpserver.exe -ping 200
runningMultiplayer Server, a
window will display theIP address
of the computer in which the application is running. Those players who wish to
join a new game session with that computer, as a server must know this address
and specify it when connecting. The first person who connects to the
server will be the HOST for that game. The Host specifics mission details
for the game.
soon as a game server computer is running, following these steps can create a
multiplayer session:
FIRST STEP: the players connect to the server
a player selects " MULTIPLAYER GAME" from the "NEW GAME " submenu inCommandos, the following window will be
Select server The option "SERVERIP ADDRESS" permits you to indicate the IP
address of the server (you must type it in). As we have seen above, this is the
address shown by theCommandos programMultiplayer Server when it is run in
the computer that will be used as the server. When this option is selected for
the first time, the address is displayed as IP0.0.0.0. Select the IP option and pressEnter to type in the Host IP address.
Once you have typed one in, the address will be kept in a configuration file
and will be set by default each time you enterCommandos. If in another game session, the server should
change, all the players will need to re-enter the new IP address before
Select player name In the option "PLAYER NAME" each player will enter a
name or nickname that identifies him. This name will appear later on the list
of connected players and under the photos of the soldiers in the Commandos
selection screen. The first time you will seeDEFAULT as the name of the
player, but once you have typed in a name, it will be kept in a configuration
file and will be the default name each time you startCommandos. If two different players were to
use the same name, the game server would accept this, but this is a situation
that should be avoided.
Connection to the server and player inscription The option "CONNECT TO GAME SERVER" will check to see
whether a game session has begun in the server and will attempt to join it. The
first player to connect to the server will be considered from then on as theMaster,and his
menus will have some additional options. In any case, once a player has
activated the option "CONNECT TO GAME SERVER", the following
menu will appear in his computer:
the computer of theMasterplayer (the first player to connect) the wordMASTER will be displayed to the right of
the word "Players", and in the last line there will be aSelect mission button which is
not available to the other players.
is only possible to join a Multiplayer session while theMaster is in the screen called "Players".
Once theMaster has
selected a mission by using theSelect
mission option, the group of players will be closed and it
will no longer be possible to join that game session.
at the time the option "CONNECT TO GAME SERVER" is activated,
the programMultiplayer Server is not
running in the server, or the sign-up phase for players has finished,
the "close session" warning will appear in the message window.
line labeled "Players" is
informative and shows how many players are connected to this game. Their names
appear on the list that is displayed below "Players", which
means that the number of players is equal to the number of names that appear on
that list. When it is theMasterwho enters the game, the number of players shown is 1 and on the list
there will be just his name.
you will see a chat box for dialogue among the players, followed by a line on
which each player can write his own messages. When someone,
from his computer, sends a message (and ends that message by pressingEnter), his phrase will appear on the
player message list, proceeded by the name (or nickname) of the transmitting
player. In this stage, for example, theMastercan use the message
window to warn everyone that he is about to select a Mission.
the player sign-up phase, any player may use the option "Exit"
to disconnect from the network game and return to the Main Menu. This will
remove him from the list as a player in this game session. If it is theMaster who does this, then another
connected player will inherit this role.
the option "Select mission", only available in theMaster'scomputer,
closes the player admissions phase and begin the next phase: selecting the
System Messages during a network game session The message window will also display, in all network game menus, the
messages issued by the system that will have a different color
than the players' messages. These messages include, for example, those that
advise of the success or failure of a mission. When any of these circumstances
occurs, in all computers there will appear a menu window with the message
issued by the system in the list of messages.
Second step: the Master selects a mission When theMasterconsiders that
there are enough players and selects the option"Select mission", the following menu will appear in
all the computers.
new menu will show on the top line the number of players that are connected and
how many missions can be selected. Then it shows a list of the available
missions. These missions will be the ones in which there are at least as many
allied soldiers assigned, as there are players involved.
message exchange window is still on display in this menu so that it is possible
for players to communicate with each other during this stage. Just as in the
previous menu, all the players can still select the option"Exit" to leave the game
session, although it will no longer be possible for new players to join.
the option "Accept mission", only available to theMaster, closes the mission selection stage
and moves on to the next one, which is the selection of the Commandos. The
mission that has been selected by theMaster from among the available missions will be loaded in
the computers of all the players, and will then proceed to the next screen.
Third step: the players select their commandos Once the mission has been selected, a
screen like this one will appear in all computers: This is the last step before starting to play. The message exchange
window is still on display in this menu so that it is still possible for
players to communicate with each other during this stage.
you will see a gallery of photographs of the Commandos who participate in the
selected mission. When a player clicks on one of the photographs, his name will
be displayed under that portrait. This soldier will now "belong" to
that player, and will be controlled by him during the game (the other players
will not be able to give him orders). A second click on a character that
"belongs" to you will cancel your selection, leaving the character
free to be selected by any of the other players in the game.
player will only be allowed to select the number of Commandos to which he is
"entitled". For example: If there are 4 players and 4 characters,
then each player will have the right to one character. If, however, there are 4
players and 5 Commandos, one of the players may select two characters, but once
this happens, the other players will only be able to select one.
all the characters have been assigned to a player, and only then, will theMaster be able to select the option"Continue" (an option that is
only available to theMaster). TheMaster also has the exclusive option
"Select mission", which allows him to return to the mission
selection window.
When theMaster selects the option "Continue",
the Multiplayer game will begin. Have Fun!
Last Modified:
August 11 2010 11:15:57. Today is:
March 28 2025.