![]() Game has been made quite challenging, for Hardcore Gamers only. They will have what they're looking for. Features (From Readme) DIFFICULTY CAHNGES: - Weapons have about a 1/3 reload time increase. All difficulties. - No pistol ammo found on guards. - 3 Rifle shells at max. - 30 Machine Gun bullets max. - All weapons are limited to one of each. - 4 grenades max. - 2 Molotov cocktails max. - On easy mode, the guards will fire on sight (Actually a 1/5 second delay). - Wilson and Whiskey only distract enemies for 2 seconds. - Enemies stay alert for 80 seconds, instead of 40. - When the Spy orders an enemy to go somewhere, they will only stay for 2 seconds (instead of 4). - The Sapper can now hold 20 anti-personnel mines (instead of 10) and only 5 anti-tank mines (instead of 10). - The mine detector detects mines 25% farther than usual. - Only 1 gas grenade or smoke grenade at a time, excluding ones you start out with. - Sniper rifle ammo limited to 3. - 1 uniform max. Max time with it is 100 seconds. (This is not equal to 100 real seconds though, it is approximately 2-5 in-game sec.) - Guards lose vision for 2 seconds when hit with a bottle, instead of 4. OTHER CHANGES: - The tank in Haiphong mission has been replaced by a new sexy tank neverbefore seen in Commandos 2. Screenshots None at the moment ![]() |
Last Modified: August 11 2010 11:09:15. Today is: March 14 2025.
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