Use F5 and F7 key throughout your game.
F7 will highlight any doors, or any objects you can pick up.
F5 will show you where any enemies are.
Make use of the automatic firing (pressing A) of each commandos. This
technique is useful in many missions.
Collect as many enemy weapons and ammo as possible.
Frequently save the game after killing enemy soldiers.
For the time based mission, spend initial time to study the map and have
initial game plan by playing different movements. Once you have set it
right, restart the mission following you game plan. Tip by KenZo
Tanks can be destroyed by 1 Remote bomb and a Grenade. Tip by Ft Bragg NC
Tanks can be destroyed by 1 Bazooka rocket and 2 Grenades. Tip by Corrupt_toolbox
After patch 1.42 is installed, you can play Commandos 3 without the disc. Tip by Corrupt_toolbox
In the "Kill The Traitor" mission; when in position after collecting the equipment you are going to
kill the traitor with, you can stop the timer by clicking it, instead having to wait for it to run out. Tip by Corrupt_toolbox
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 17:39:18. Today is:
March 04 2025.