Dobermans mostly support Soldiers while
guarding, and to deter would-be attackers, because they would have to fight a guard and dog.
Don't under estimate them because given half a chance they will kill your men without
Tip: Use poisoned dog food to send them to sleep.
Strong creatures that willnot think twice in
attacking you just for the pleasure to do so. If you see one of these beasts targeting you,
start running and don't turn back to look.
Tip: Don't let them see you and if they do, kill them before they kill
This is a very protective creature. It will
attack you only if you enter its territory, otherwise it will stay put with its fellows.
Tip: They do not like people getting close to them, including your enemies.
Might be good for distraction.
This is a born killer. Its agility in the water
is unmatched. Nobody can escape it, so don't play with it.
Tip: Use the Marine's harpoon to take them out.
Elephants come in useful if you have to cross a
river full of croccodiles. Those beasts do not attack creatures that are so big. Only problem
they are slow..
Tip: Only Lupin can control them.
These docile creatures are real cowards. If they
see somebody they will start running and yelling around.
Tip: Could come in useful for distracting enemies.
Deadly fish. Stay away from them. Learn to
recognize fish that will protect you from enemy views if you feed them.
Tip: Some fish can cover you if you feed them with fish food.
Last Modified:
October 02 2010 13:29:39. Today is:
March 12 2025.