Use F10 and F11 key throughout your game.
F10 will highlight any doors, or any objects you can pick up.
F11 will show you where any enemies are.
Make use of the automatic firing (pressing x) of each commandos. This
technique is useful in many missions.
Collect as many enemy weapons and ammo as possible.
Frequently save the game after killing enemy soldiers.
Make good use of the often underestimated items like smoke bombs, fish food and others.
Take the help of Whisky and Wilson to make sure that your attack plan will be easier.
Rotate the view often to make sure you don't miss anything (ALT+Mouse/Key Arrows).
After patch 1.2 is installed, you can play Commandos 2 without the disc.
Take advantage of the knocking on walls to get the enemies attention (clicking twice makes the knock loud).
Always hide the bodies after you take everything from the enemies, this will prevent the ranks from reforming (use bushes, water, any place is good to dispatch the bodies).
US ARMY: These soldiers are going to fight along your side, you will find yourself helping them out only to have them support you in the most difficult situations.
Treat them well, especially since they are well trained and skilled soldiers,
each one of them is specialized in a particular weapon which they know how to use, to defeat the enemy!
BRITISH NAVY: These valuable men have been captured by the German, you will have to free them and with their help destroy the German battleships in the arctic!
ALLIED PILOT: On your way to defeating the enemy in the pacific, you will encounter this precious ally that has been captured by the Japanese forces.
Upon rescuing him, you will find that he is an expert pilot that will help you get away from the japanese war machine's nest.
WILSON: Her majesty the Queen has sent this soldier to help the Commandos in their task of ending the war behind enemy lines, he will be a valid helping hand
by distracting the enemy with his trumpet.
PRISONERS: These men have been captured by the enemy forces, your task will be to free them.
GHURKAS: These soldiers have been hiding in the sewers and are your precious force
with whose help you shall have to resist the invasion of the city and kill the Tyrant.
CONTACTS: Throughout your missions you will deal with secret informers that will give you life-saving information
or valuable equipment or even their lives to help the mission succeed!
CIVILIANS: These are the only people that do not deserve the war that is going around them but,
they are in it as well but try to live on anyway, make sure they don't get hurt.
CARS: You will encounter lots of vehicles in your missions, these are the standard 4 wheel types that you may find
ARMORED VEHICLES: These beasts are ferocious warmachines that you should either know how to maneuvre or know how to evade if you don't want to become dust in no time.
BOATS: Boats will help you cross dangerous waters but they expose you to enemy fire making you quite vulnerable so be careful.
OTHER BALLOON: This extraordinary vehicle will allow you to move around the enemy territory right under (oops, over) their noses.
THE AXIS' MILITARY TECHNOLOGY: Your enemy is well trained and equipped, do not underestimate their military power.
You will come face to face with the enemies' most advanced and fearsome industrial outcomes, be prepared.
Last Modified:
August 11 2010 14:59:45. Today is:
March 04 2025.