When you try to reinstall the game, Install Shield Wizard asks you to do one of three things. Modify, Repair or Remove the game.
This means the computer thinks the game is still installed, even though its not listed under Add/Remove Programs.
This is what Grey Mouser (Eidos Forums Admin) says you should do.
Disclaimer: We cannot be held responsible for any liability, damage to machines, or problems arising from using this suggestion, it is undertaken completely at the reader's own risk- my advice would be if you're not sure, call the support line for your area!
In your regedit (start->Run->type "regedit" press OK)
This will bring up your editor screen, folders down the left side beginning with HKEY and a blank windows on the right side.
Go to the EDIT menu at the top of the page, then FIND and type "Commandos 3" or "pyro" in the bar and press FIND.
This will start the search. The key thing to remember is the search only finds ONE file at a time, so even if there are several files listed on the right-hand side, only the one that is highlighted in BLUE can be deleted otherwise you run the risk of deleting a file that has nothing to do with Commandos 3 and thus causing a whole world of pain for your computer!
Then after you delete the one file, press F3 which will start searching for the next one etc.
If at this point you notice on the left, a folder called "Commandos 3" you may also delete the folder but ONLY that folder.
Eventually you will get a message which says "Finished Searching Through The Registry".
Then there is one more file you need to delete in the registry.
Go back into your folders list of Regedit (you might need to collapse the folders back to their original state as they tend to expand through the regedit process). There should be 5 folders beginning with HKEY. Double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then SOFTWARE then Microsoft then Windows then Current Version then Uninstall and delete the key beginning {C270BC04-1540-4673-960F-A546B2C860CD}.
Exit out of the RegEdit and see if the game has been removed from the control panel's Add/Remove Programs list.
Then go to your My Computer screen and type "C:\Program Files\installshield installation information" with spaces included into the browser bar at the top. This should bring up several folders. Delete the folder beginning with "{C270BC04 ". If for some reason you cannot gain access to this folder (Installshield Installation information) bear in mind it is a hidden file and would also require full administration rights to access and edit - try going to the TOOLS option at the top of the explorer bar then "Folder Options" and then "view" and selecting "show all hidden files and folders".
NOTE: If for some reason you cannot find this file or folder even after making sure hidden files are visible, just ignore it and then try to re-install the game.
Then once this folder has been deleted, you can try re-installing the game if needs be.
Disclaimer: We cannot be held responsible for any liability, damage to machines, or problems arising from using this suggestion, it is undertaken completely at the reader's own risk- my advice would be if you're not sure, call the support line! So important, I've put it in twice!!
By Eidos mentioned by sickBack
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 14:21:54. Today is:
March 11 2025.