PATROLS: from 2 to 8 (yes 8 men) you kill one and they immediatly sound the alarm (if possible).
Extremely hard to get rid of, use caution, learn thier patrol routes and try to sneak by unnoticed.
The Leader is usually a Seargent armed with a pistol and the others are armed with Machine-Guns. Deadly.
STANDARD PATROL: It's made of 3 men equipped with Machine-Guns, which orders are to shoot on sight;
Be very careful when crossing them, a way to get rid of them is to take them from behind.
PATROL WITH SERGEANT: It's a patrol of 3 or 5 men guided by a Sergeant.
They shoot on sight and their superior ability to investigate and find enemies
makes them extremely dangerous for your men.
CHOSEN PATROL: These Men are guided by a Sergeant and a trained Dog. The dog attacks any target.
They are very hard to get rid of, so you should run as fast as your legs can carry you or use grenades.
Written by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom}
Last Modified:
August 10 2010 13:49:12. Today is:
January 28 2025.