KUBELWAGEN: Built by Volkswagen, the simple and reliable kubelwagen was the German equivalent of the American jeep.
TRANSPORT TRUCK: Nothing in particuliar, just moves across the map. Usually
needed for something. Takes a few hits from guards to be destroyed so watch it
if you use it.
BOATS: These vehicles will be of great use to you since they will allow you to invent new escape routes from the enemy's hands.
And sometimes, you will take the boats passage to your advantage.
AIRPLANES: You will encounter some of these sky demons throughout your missions and you will also have to get aboard one of them.
You can't really control them but, having to deal with these beasts nevertheless recommends caution.
PANZER II: The panzer II can take a great deal of low enemy fire damages and has an automatic firing trigger.
VAN: A vehicle that is quite similar to the Truck with same functions. Nice variant though.
Written by =[CATZ]=Brownout-75
Last Modified:
August 09 2010 10:41:16. Today is:
March 04 2025.